vineri, 8 iulie 2011

Committed sau... Looking for the meaning of marriage - Cautand sensul casniciei

Am primit imprumut urmarea cartii (bestseller) scrisa e Elizabeth Gilbert cu cativa ani in urma, "Eat, Pray Love" (Mananca, roaga-te, iubeste) si m-am apucat s-o citesc. Desi nu prea am timp, sint curioasa sa vad cum suna scrierea in engleza (pe celalalta am citit-o in romana) si sa vad ce fel de sens gaseste institutiei casniciei in lumea post-postmoderna in care traim.

Va tin la curent!!

I've started to read Elizabeth Gilbert's book "Committed", which is a sequel to "Eat, Pray, Love" that I read some years ago. This one is about finding some meaning in marriage and, with this (if it happens), being able to overcome the scars of a terrible divorce that each partner of this couple lived. Giving another chance to marriage, from a renewed perspective... Surely sounds familiar...

I'll keep you posted!!

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