- Iti mai iei o bere? Dar atunci inseamna ca mai stai afara?
- Da, mai stau.
O conversatie obisnuita pentru sambata seara, printre blocuri in Bucuresti. Ce altceva pot face oamenii aici decat sa iasa intr-un parc incarcat de suflete cautatoare de pace sau pe o banca de langa blocul sufocat de caldura apasatoare a zilei care tocmai s-a incheiat? Poate sa mearga pe o terasa (una din cele construite in parcuri, desigur), daca au apucat sa faca rezervare si daca au suficiente resurse sa plateasca o cina costisitoare sau destula consumatie ca sa nu fie schimbati de altii mai « capabili »...
Ce face orasul asta cu oamenii sai ?
Ce fac oamenii cu orasul asta ?
Lucrurile functioneaza in ambele sensuri. Nimic nu e intamplator si orice actiune are efectele ei, dintre care unele imprevizibile… Sintem prizonierii propriilor dorinte si actiuni, asa cum sint ele, cu cap sau fara cap, cu sens sau fara sens. Dar cine mai poate distinge intre ce-si doreste omul de rand din Bucuresti si primarul nu stiu carui sector ? La asa o aglomeratie de neuroni si celule pe unitate de suprafata, totul devine mult prea complicat si mai bine o lasam balta din start. Si deci ne meritam soarta, cum s-ar zice...ca ciobanul din Miorita...
Orasul asta te buimaceste, in primul rand, cu haosul pe care-l emana peste tot unde incerci sa ajungi. Cu anomaliile pe care le gazduieste in mod inexplicabil, cu un oarecare caracter aberant al multor fenomene locale... Influenta reciproca oras-oameni este evidenta, insa observam si pastrarea paradoxala a unei anume « normalitati » a oamenilor, in ciuda circumstantelor, o data cu supravietuirea orasului, in ciuda aglomeratiei de locuitori si anexe ale acestora (masini, case, magazine, piete...).
Raman la senzatia de paradox... pana la proba contrarie !
“Are you having another beer ? This means you’ll be out some more…?”
“Yes, I am. Both of them.”
A normal conversation you can hear on a Saturday night, among blocks of flats in Bucharest. What else can people do here, than go out in a park loaded with people trying to find their peace or sit on a bench by the blocks, suffocated by the incredible heat of the day that just ended? They might as well go out on a terrace (one of those built in parks, of course), if they booked a table or if they have enough resources to pay for an expensive dinner or enough drinks to make sure they’re not kicked out by more “capable” clients…
What is this city doing with its people?
What are people doing to this city?
Things work both ways. Nothing is random and every action has its effects-some of which quite unpredictable… We are the prisoners of our own desires and actions, as they are – smart or not, meaningful or not. But who can distinguish between what the common person in Bucharest wants and what the mayor of whichever Sector wants? When you’ve got so many neurons and cells on a surface unit, everything becomes much too complicated and it’s better to leave it from the very start. So we deserve what we get, as people say, just like the shepherd in Miorita…
This city makes you dizzy, first of all, with the chaos it emanates through all its pores. With the anomalies it inexplicably hosts, with a certain pointless character of many local phenomena… The mutual influence between people and city is obvious, but we also notice the paradoxical keeping of a certain “normality” of the people – despite the circumstances – and the survival of the city – despite the large quantities of people and their annexes (cars, houses and blocks, shops, markets…)
I stick to the feeling of paradox … until anything else is proven!
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